Loosing sight of your goals can happen to anyone. It's really hard to live on a budget that will make those goals a reality. If delayed gratification was easy, we would not have a negative savings rate in this country. What I do to keep myself motivated towards achieving my dreams is to have a vision book.
My goal is to live a nomadic lifestyle. I want to travel the US visiting every Jewish community and learn their history and local customs. I may or may not write a book about it. Making that dream, or any dream, a reality though can take some serious motivation.
So the vision book. It's nothing fancy. Just a regular binder. Inside are some pictures of RVs and converted vans that I think will work, along with ideas for turning it from a vacation space into a full time home. I've also included some ideas for location independent income and other sites I'd like to see (I'd really like to make another trip to Chaco Canyon). When life seems to get in the way of pursuing my dreams, I pull out my vision book and it motivates me to get back to work.
How do you motivate yourself?
Please help. I've looked far and wide for someone gay who has prepped for doomsday or attempted to. I need an interview. Please contact me!